
The first few seconds of your informational video can establish the effectiveness. Today we are going to talk about opening your video with something that will grab the attention of your intended viewer.

In terms of my free money statement… the tips you are about to receive are like money in the bank. If you can hook your viewer early, your chances are much better that you will keep them longer. In my first of several examples, I will show some excerpts of a recent video we did for Net Motion Wireless, a company providing software for organizations with mobile work forces, giving them the connectivity, visibility and control needed to solve the common challenges of wireless computing.  They wanted to use the client, the Oregon State Police as their case study.

As Marshall McLuhan once said, the medium is the message. In this instance, Bizvid decided that since sirens and flashing lights are used by the state troopers to command attention, how much more, this video’s viewers. As such, here is the opening we chose to introduce this particular Net Motion Wireless product.

Another company, which dealt with short term loans wanted to do a video to instruct their employees nationwide  on how to deal with break ins, thefts and burglaries. We elected to stage a closed circuit camera revealing a break in to command the attention.  And it worked quite well.

You will notice in our examples, that finding a suitable piece of music helps stir up emotions and build viewer interest.  Couple this with memorable video and well written copy and you’re in business.

You’ve all heard about the value of puppies and children in crafting a meaningful message. Actually, much can be said of this technique, as long as the theme fits within the context of your video.  With this client, we wanted to relate the importance of water to every person and most industries on the planet, thus their water purification devices, when tied to wise water usage commanded more attention with a lead in using an adorable child.

Now, besides screaming sirens, threatening danger, and cute kids, sometimes it will be a commanding visual perfectly suited and enticing for a product or services’ perspective consumer.  Here, opening with stunning visuals demands the attention to set the stage for introducing a unique product for photographers and artists.

Summarizing from all you have seen thus far, we want to stress that a well thought out and scripted beginning to your video, whether it is a visual or an enticing statement or sound will take your video a long ways when it comes to being  effective and memorable.  Invest the time to come up with a quick attention grabber to take your product or service where no one else has gone before.  Now, reach out and grab someone!