
Welcome to another in a series of Premiere Pro video tutorials from BizVid Communications.  Today I’m going to show you how to create a custom pre-set which is very easy to do and will save you a great deal of time as you assemble your video project.  As you probably know, dropping an effect onto a clip is easy.  Many times, however, you need to change the parameters of the effect so that it accomplishes exactly what you want.  That takes time.  Then, if you have to use that same effect on other clips, the time required to set it up again adds more time to your edit session.  Well, that’s where the pre-set comes in.  By building a pre-set, you’ll eliminate the need to rebuild the effect each and every time you want to use it.  Let me show you how easy this is.

I have already placed a picture in the timeline and, as you can see, the color balance is off….it’s skewed toward the cyan side.  I have placed this picture in the timeline in three other places and each will need the same color correction.  To correct these I am going to use the RGB Curves effect.

First, I drag the RGB Curves effect onto the first clip and begin adjusting accordingly.   There, now that I am done I can to one of two things to correct the other three clips.  I can place the RGB Curves effect on each one and begin the color adjusting all over again, or, I can create a pre-set that will eliminate the need to do everything again and, will give me consistency in the color match of all four clips.  I think the pre-set is the way to go.  Here’s how you do it.

In the Effects Controls panel, position your mouse on the RGB Curves effect and right click.  Scroll down to “Save Pre-Set” and click.  This opens a dialogue box where you can name the pre-set you are saving.  I will name mine “House Color Correct.”  Leave the “Scale” box checked and click “OK.”  What I’ve just done is saved the “RGB Curves” effect just the way I configured it for the clip.  Now all I have do to correct the other clips is drag and drop the custom pre-set onto them.

So here goes. In the “Effects” panel I click the down arrow on the “Presets” tab and there it is….my named pre-set.  Next I’ll click and drag the effect onto the other clips.  Just saved me a bunch of time.  You can make pre-sets for most of the other effects in Premiere which, as I said, will save you tons of edit time.  I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.  For more BizVid Communications tutorials, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and please visit our website at BizVidCommunications.com.  Thanks for watching.