

“Speed of Business” is a term we always apply within BizVid Communications, which has helped us maintain our reputation as a leading video production company in Carlsbad, San Diego County, Southern California, the nation and the world. Put simply, we work at the “Speed of Business” on behalf of our clients and our service providers. That means having a high priority of doing things literally as quickly as possible, whenever and wherever possible.

Our “Speed of Business” strategy has become a lost art to many business organizations. Some of these rely on mechanized or computerized programming as a means of maintaining business interactions. While BizVid uses these, as well, we have found that nothing beats the “personal touch” to which we have been committed over our years of video production success.

Helpful supporting articles:

BizVid Communications has researched a few articles which support our “Speed of Business” practice. We hope these will further communicate the value of our message.

Excerpts from Psychology Today article– “Why Communication Matters,” by Dawn O. Braithwaite, Ph.D. (Posted July 15, 2021)

Communication Is More Than Sending and Receiving Messages. In reality, communication is often about transmitting information. We send and receive messages with people in our lives. What is important to understand is that relationships are talked into (and out of) being. In communication, we develop, create, maintain, and alter our relationships. As we communicate, we become and change who we are. Think about how you have grown and changed as you communicate at home, at work, with friends, and in your community.

These excerpts from the aforementioned article, illustrate intuitive communications which can only be gleaned through a personal touch. BizVid’s strategy of interacting at the “Speed of Business,” and doing it consistently, purveys the unspoken message that we care about the welfare of our clients and service providers in a manner that illustrates our commitment to excellence and personal service.

Excerpts of article from Psych Central- “Human Connection: Why it’s Important,” published Nov. 15, 2021. Review by Lori Lawrenz, PsyD and Katie Stiles.

By communicating with clients and service providers at the “Speed of Business” BizVid provides a social connection which can help boost moods and manage emotions. Here are quotes taken from the article which confirm invaluable social connections.

Through the years, we’ve thrived as a species by connecting with others. Whether we were hunting for meat, gathering berries, or traveling in stagecoaches — we did it together in social groups. It’s this human connection that has advanced our world from gathering and hunting for our food to shopping for it in grocery stores.

But with the rise of digital interactions, we’ve also seen an increase in loneliness.  We no longer meet for drinks after work or gather with our friends for game or movie nights. Meetings and social gatherings are now done virtually. We celebrate the events in our lives with a heart or thumbs-up emoji.

In 2019, three in five Americans reported being lonely. As we continue with these excerpts, BizVid believes this “impersonal touch” also found its way into the work community and business strategies. The proposed reason for this rise in loneliness is lack of social interaction and support from our peers.  Simply put: We need human connection. Connecting with others on a physical and emotional level can improve our health and overall well-being.

Following are excerpts of an article from the Small Business (& Professional Development and Training) Center at Portland Community College- “The 7 Benefits of Effective Communication in Personal and Professional Settings.”

For today’s managers, good communication plays an essential role in their success in the workplace and in their personal life. Leaders who know how to communicate effectively with those around them will see better productivity and improved relationships in every aspect of their lives.  Effective communication involves … a friendly demeanor, confidence, and quality nonverbal communication will also help you, as a manager, develop good relationships with the members of your team.

Let’s explore some benefits of effective communication you will see in- and outside your office when you take the time to nurture these skills.

1. Building trust
2. Preventing or resolving problems
3. Providing clarity and direction
4. Creates better relationships
5. Increases engagement
6. Improves productivity
7. Promotes team building

BizVid Summary Statement:

Allow BizVid to summarize the content of this blog, dealing with the value of having what we call a “speed of business” mentality. An easy (yet somewhat impersonal) way to conduct business is to heavily rely on computerized interactions to stay in touch with clientele.  While BizVid believes in these approaches, from our point of view, they can never replace the personalized communications using our “speed of business” strategies to let the people with whom we interact know that they are extremely important to us and that we will always go the extra mile.  Doing so “at the speed of business.”